Friday, September 26, 2008

Surgery Update

Well we went to see the surgeon yesterday. He said Colt looked good. He wants to wait as long as possible to do the surgery so he can grow and get a little bigger. He said it would be anywhere between 3-6 months but probably closer to 3 months. That's as long as the irrigation continues to work. So maybe around Christmas time. I really hadn't planned on spending my Christmas break in the hospital but at least I wouldn't have to miss any more school. I guess we'll just have to wait and see. Until then, we have to see the surgeon every two weeks. So between the pediatrician and the surgeon we'll be going to the Dr. alot. Okay, as for the spitting up.... I was so excited this morning to write on the blog "no spit ups in 24 hours" but my little man wanted to bust my bubble and he spit up his last bottle. It is probably my fault though. I'm trying to pump and feed him at the same time and obviously it didn't work. This was the mother of all spit ups too. It went all down my shirt, in his hair and ears and all over our bed. But the good news is he is nursing more often and keeping most of it down. I've been able to get him to eat 3 oz at a time and for the most part, he's keeping it down. So hopefully he's gaining weight. Oh and we gave him a bath for the first time. He's not really sure what to think about it. But he sure does smell nice and fresh when we're all done. Enjoy the pics

Not sure what to think of the bath

Right about this time, he's peeing on me through the towel

"Mom, why are you always taking my picture"

He's already such a big boy, holding his pacifier all by himself

This is how he likes to sleep.... how precious!

I finally started putting him down in his bassinet... He doesn't mind it so much.

Another bath time picture. This is right before he started screaming. Guess he doesn't like the bath too much yet.

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