Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Lots of firsts

Well yesterday, our Internet was down so I couldn't write about our exciting day. We were so excited about the news that our son might come home if he could just eat and poop good for a few days. When we got to the hospital they told us the first feeding didn't go so well. He threw it all up. So we were a little bummed but also realized that that was his first feeding. He's never had anything in his belly so the Dr. wasn't that concerned that he didn't' take the first feeding. So before I could give my opinion the Dr. must have read my mind. She wanted to try again and let me feed him. So I fed him (still my milk but out of a bottle) and we held him upright so he wasn't laying flat on his back in his bed. We waited a few hours and guess what.... He kept it all down. So one down and several to go before they'll let him come home. So we left to eat dinner with our cousins and came back in time for his next feeding. This one wasn't as successful but he still kept some of it down. They're starting out giving him 15 mL which is half an ounce every 3 hours. At 4 he only took 10 but he kept it all down. At spit up 5 but kept 5 down. I called this morning and all night he got down all 15 every feeding and only spit up 5. So I think he's doing better and better the more he eats. It's just gonna be a slow process. But we're happy with the progress. Hopefully now it will all come out the other end and he'll prove he can eat and poop so he can come home. Okay so for the firsts.... I changed his diaper for the first time(Most moms can't say that after their baby is a week old). I fed him for the first time. I took his temperature. The nurses are great about letting me help do some of the things I've been missing out on. So all in all it was a good day. I did take some great pictures but I left the camera by his bed so we'll have to post them later. Keep the prayers coming and maybe our precious boy will get to come home soon.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I'm so glad to hear that things are going good!! I'm still praying for poop!! And from someone who was once on tube feedings(i'll tell you that story one day if you want), it's hard getting back onto 'real' food. Give him time, he'll be fine!!