Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Day 2 in the NICU

Well we got through our first night without our little guy. It was very difficult to be away from him but we know that he is being well taken care of. So I know there's alot of people who are wondering what is going on with him and what we have found out. So instead of having to tell everyone every time we have some news, I thought I would update this more often. So this morning we went over there and they had just taken him to give him a barium enema. We thought we would find out today if it's the Hirschprungs disease but the enema was just another step to get them closer to diagnosing Hirschprungs Disease. So with the enema, they still think that's what it is but now to find out for sure they have to do a biopsy of the obstructed segment in his colon. They could either use a rectum gun or I believe do a colonoscopy. We were hoping they would to the rectum gun since that would not require anesthesia but they don't have one here and couldn't locate it. So first we were told either 8 or 9:30 in the morning. The surgeon will come talk to us and have us sign consents and then they will do the biopsy. I'm very anxious to talk to the surgeon so maybe some of our questions can be answered. We just went to see him. The Dr. called when I was in there. They might even do the biopsy tonight. WE'll just have to wait and see. He looks so different than what he looked like yesterday. His color is a little better. His skin isn't blotchy anymore. He's just perfect! So I took some more pictures today. We took pictures of his hands and feet. They're so big! So continue to keep us in your prayers


Unknown said...

Good good good......

迪波威 said...

Fantastic Baby, Cute~

Anonymous said...

WOW!!! He is a big boy! Congrats! We are so excited for you guys! I think he looks like both of you. We will keep you guys in our prayers. Please keep us updated.