Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Finally some news!

The Dr. just called. He does have Hirschsprungs disease but they don't know how long the segment is. The Dr. wants them to start feeding him my milk and see how he does. If he can digest it good then they will send him home in a few days. The Dr. doesn't want to do surgery right now. He wants to see how well he does first. If he does good then it is just a short segment and surgery may not be necessary. If it's a long segment then he won't be able to digest much and they will talk about surgery sooner. The Dr. wants to see him back 2 weeks after he is discharged to see how well he is doing. So now we pray that he does well eating. She said today they would bottle feed him with my milk and if he does well today, tomorrow I can actually nurse him to see how well he does with that. So hopefully we're looking at Thursday or Friday if he does well. So pray, pray, pray that our little man can eat and poop the next few days so he can come home where he belongs. I can't wait to see him without the tube down his mouth. They are still leaving the iv in and giving him some nutrients through that because they won't give him all the milk he needs at once. They'll only give him a little to see how well he does. So we'll be down to only one iv and no tubes. Thanks for all of you who have been praying for him. Keep them coming and maybe he'll come home soon.

1 comment:

GFMouse said...

I hope this is a surgeon giving you this news. My advise if your baby has short segment get a new surgeon and let them do surgery.My son was diagnosed with short segment hirschsprungs this January at age 4.5 yrs old and things were pretty bad by that point. I'd deffinately get another opinion if the doc isn't wanting to do surgery. If it isn't that bad some babies are getting a 1 stage surgery to fix it with minimal to no scaring. Look into Cincinati Children's hospital Dr Pena and Levitt are the top 2 in this field/area. Feel free to visit my blog for more resources too (myspecialone.blogspot.com)