Wednesday, September 24, 2008

More pictures

Colt had his first Dr.'s appt today. The Dr. thought he looked great. Everything was perfect. The only thing he is a little concerned with is his weight. Typically babies are supposed to be back at their birth weight at 2 weeks and he's not quite there. But hes had a rough couple of weeks. So we'll work on gaining weight. He's been spitting up still so we're gonna have to do something about that if it doesn't get better. The Dr. wants to see him in a few weeks to make sure he's gaining weight. If the spit up continues then we'll try some medicine for reflux. So one Dr. down and one more to go this week. We see the surgeon tomorrow. So here's a few more pictures from yesterday and today. We put together his bouncer. We're hoping that will help him not spit up after he eats since he can sit up in it.

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