Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Very exciting news

Well, I have 2 great things that happened this week. To some, this may not seem like a big deal but it was very exciting to me. As some of you may know, we've been trying to nurse to I don't have to pump all the time. He finally caught up with me and I ran out of bottles so he had no choice but to nurse. Well, he was being picky and would only nurse from one side, which obviously can cause some problems. So yesterday he decided to stop discriminating against the one side and nursed from both sides. So I haven't had to pump much. Of course, in 3 weeks when I go back to school, I'm gonna have to go back to pumping. But at least, for now no more preparing bottles. Okay my other piece of exciting news has nothing to do with Colt. I have always wanted to see the Eagles in concert. My parents,brother and sister-in-law all went a few weeks ago right after Colt was born. I was so bummed that I couldn't go. So now, they are coming back and I was online first thing Monday morning and I got tickets! I am thrilled. I was raised listening to the Eagles and I am a huge fan. So on Nov, 15 we will be at the Eagles concert. I guess that will be the first night Colt will have a baby-sitter. My sister-in-law is so excited to baby sit that night. Okay, so that's my exciting news. I'm posting some pictures of last night. Harmony came over to cook us dinner, which was very yummy. She asked to give Colt a bath so she did. While she was giving him a bath, her son, Dylan, wanted to take a bath too. So Colt had his first bath buddy. I'm sure they'll both appreciate this picture later!
He loves his aunt Harmony

Boys taking a bath

How sweet is this

"Okay mom, stop taking so many pictures. Everyone knows how adorable I am."

"I'm so sleepy!"

1 comment:

Unknown said...

KRISTI!! I'm so glad to read that things are getting better!! I love seeing pictures of Colt! He is just too cute for words!