Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Surgery went well

Colt went into surgery about 2:20 this afternoon. They told us 10 am but he was really on a waiting list since it was last minute. So the surgery only took like an hour and he did great. The surgeon said it was a short segment so when it's all said and done he won't have to lose much of his colon. We went back to recovery and he was already awake. Poor baby sounded so raspy from the tube down his throat. He is pooping and tooting like crazy. It's all being released and man oh man does it not smell good. He's been fussy since we've been back in the room. I think he's just trying to let all that gas out. So, right now we're waiting for the colostomy nurse to come in and give us a lesson on how to change his colostomy bag. The surgeon said he should be able to go home on Thursday. So only two more days in the hospital. I'll update more as I know more. Thanks for all your prayers!

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