Thursday, October 23, 2008

10 Things I've learned being a mom

1. I can't be in a hurry to go anywhere.
2. If God wanted to teach me patience, He's doing a great job?
3. No matter how many times I shower, I always smell like poop or spit up.
4. Getting peed on is a daily occurrence that I just need to accept
5. When poop comes out a different way, it smells alot worse!
6. I get alot more attention everywhere I go if I have Colt with me
7. Somehow new moms don't need as much sleep to survive
8. Even though I lost all the weight i gained, my clothes still don't fit
9. I've learned to always check to make sure my shirt is on right and not inside out before I leave the house!

And the most important thing I've learned being a mom
10. I can love this little boy more than I ever imagined loving anything else.

1 comment:

Team Bridges said...

How absolutely true! Be prepared to have something on your shirt or pants (or arm!) when you walk in to an important meeting (and not have realized the "crud" was there)! It is going to happen. And, yes, we can survive on less is a proven fact in my house! He is great and with your 10 learned items you are a perfect mom Kristi! #10 outshines anything, even when they pee in your face, rub their snotty nose on your shoulder just as you are dropping them off, or puke in the first brand new car you have ever owned!

It was great to see you! Sorry we couldn't stay longer...a double ear infection was the problem!
