Monday, October 13, 2008

Tough weekend

Well, colt has decided to start a new schedule of sleeping all day and staying awake all night. Don't know when he got these two mixed up but somehow he likes making his mama crazy. When we got home from the hospital he would not let me put him down. I think he was really sore from the surgery. So I was keeping tylenol in his system. We are having the hardest time with the colostomy bags. We can't get them not to leak. But we're working on it. Hopefully we'll find a way to put it on where it won't leak very often. Jared and I had to get up at 2:30 in the morning to change his bag because once again it had leaked. So once we figure that out, my life will be so much easier! Today my goal is to keep him up so he'll sleep tonight. Oh and I left him for the first time on Saturday. i felt really guilty for leaving him but he didn't even know it because he slept the entire time. I went to my parents to take a nap and then got my hair done. So I felt rejuvinated afterwards. Jared came home Saturday night. We were both so happy to see him! Oh and we've discovered the swing. He loves it most of the time. It helps him sleep sometimes so I think we'll be using that more often. Here's some cute pics of our little man.

This is what he thought of his hospital visit

He loves his boppy

"What are you looking at mom"

"I love eating my hand"

1 comment:

Kel said...

Hi... My infant girl has an ileostomy. She was only a little over 6 lbs when she got it, and we really struggled to keep her bags on. It was rough!

We recently wrote a blog entry to share what we learned -- secrets no one else could teach us.

Hope it helps! Feel free to contact us if you have questions about ANYthing!