Monday, October 6, 2008

Back in the Hospital

Well, we have been to two different Dr's offices today and now we ended up in the hospital. We already had the appt with the surgeon but I called first thing this morning to see if the pediatrician would see him because he's been spitting up more this weekend. It started Friday morning. He kept spitting up and not wanting to eat again. We thought maybe he had built up an immunity to the prilosec and it just wasn't working anymore. Yesterday we noticed that his stomach was really bloated. So the pediatrician didn't think his stomach looked normal so he did an x-ray. He sent us over to the surgeon early (although we got there late because I went to the Dallas office and the appt was at the Plano office). The surgeon definitely didn't like the look of his stomach and with his spitting up and rejecting food, he wanted to admit him to the hospital. He will have the surgery tomorrow at 10am and stay in the hospital a few days afterwards for observation. The good thing is we have our own room here so we can stay with him the whole time. So my first reaction was to lose it and cry and feel sorry for myself. But after a few minutes, I realized that I had to be strong for my son and know that this is what is best for him right now. So we went to eat and went home to pack. We headed back up to the hospital and that's where we are now. Tonight they did a barium enema which he already had right after he was born. The surgeon just wanted him to have that to confirm that his colon was too dilated. Tomorrow he'll have the colostomy surgery. Basically, for those of you who don't know what that is.... they will take the good part of the intestines and connect it to his stomach so a bag can be connected from the outside. We will have to learn to change the bag out. Instead of changing a poopy diaper, we'll be changing his bag. He'll still pee in his diaper but any waste will come out in the bag. This will help the colon get back to normal size so they can do the surgery. They won't do the surgery until everything is the size it needs to be and he has gained more weight. The colostomy is supposed to make him eat better and poop better which will help him gain weight. So overall, this is a good thing. We hate that he's having two surgery's instead of one. But it's kinda of a relief to know why he hasn't been eating and hopefully he'll start to gain weight. Today he actually weighed a few ounces less than what he weighed when we left the hospital two weeks ago. We're not thrilled about the colostomy bag but it's just another thing we'll have to learn about and do until he has the surgery. We've heard that it's not so bad once you get used to it. So, again, we ask for your prayers for all three of us. I know I sound like we're being so positive and we're okay but we have our moments of "why us". I know that one day maybe we'll be able to help someone else that is going through this. Another thing my mom reminded me of is that God won't give us anything we can't handle so I guess God thinks we're strong enough to endure all of this. One more thing that happened today to prove that God is working in our life.... Right after after I told my mom about being admitted to the hospital, a girl from church texted her a message. This girl knew nothing about what is going on with Colt. This is what the text said "Psalm 18:28-29 - You, O Lord, keep my lamp burning; my God turns my darkness into light. With your help I can run through a barricade; with my God I can scale my wall." Then she went on to say "Give everything to God. Place your heart in his hands today and you can overcome any obstacle. he will fill you with hope and joy. Have a great day!" So God knew how to get that message to me. On that note, I'll end my long post. I will definitely post tomorrow night so everyone can know how the surgery went. This is a link to a website that tells alot about Hirschprungs Disease and the surgeries he'll be having.

1 comment:

GFMouse said...

Kristi. I am so sorry that your lil guy has to get a colostomy. I am sure you will see a huge change in him and he will soon began to feel much better.The bag thing sucks but once you get use to it, it's pretty easy to care for.I hope you can find more support on any of the sites I have linked to me. I belong to them all so just look for me there.I'm tagging your blog so I can follow it now.
Tyler's mom- age 5 w/ Hirschsprung's