Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Nothing New

So finally our life has settled down a little bit. We're still looking for a house and a car but we haven't added anything new. So I'm very thankful about that.
House news:
We didn't get the house we bid on. But we were okay with that. We kinda have the attitude that whatever is suppose to happen will and the right house will fall in our lap. We're making an offer on one today. I know it sounds weird but I hope we get it because the familly seems like a really nice family. They've kept the house very clean and up to date. It's not as big as the other we bid on but it will be a great starter house. So I'm keeping my fingers crossed.
Car news:
We're having a bit of a problem with the whole car deal. Since we only had the van for a couple of weeks, we didn't have the title yet. So the ins. company is ready to give us the check for the van but we have to give them the title first. And we don't have it. So that's the hold up. Luckily they gave us a rent car for two weeks. So we have two weeks to get the title, get the check and buy a car! The rent car I have it very nice though. They gave me a pathfinder. It's so nice. I don't want to give it back. It's way out of our price range though. So I guess I'll just have to enjoy it for a few weeks and give it back.
Baby news:
The baby seems to be fine. I'm starting to feel like Im pregnant. Up until a few weeks ago I really didn't feel much different. But I'm feeling some changes now. I cant wait until I can feel the baby kicking. I know that will be an amazing feeling! I guess I have a while until that will happen. We go back in just 2 weeks and hopefully we'll be able to say he or she instead of it.

Well, I just wanted to update everyone on what's going on. I hope everyone is blessed and thanking God for is each and everyday!
I'm thankful I'm on vacation next week from work and school. Yeah!!!!!

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