Monday, June 11, 2012

Hello Summer!!!

Well, we are in our second week of summer. I have enjoyed it thoroughly! I absolutely love being home with my babies. They are both such mamas kids. They will sit in my lap for long periods of time and be perfectly content. It's a good thing there are only two of them because I don't think I could fit another one in my lap! My school year was my very worst I've ever had. I honestly had moments of "I want to walk out right now because I can't take it anymore. I'll just get a job at Walmart and eat beans and rice forever?" But I stuck with it and it's finally over. Since Christmas, I got 5 new students who all turned out to be TERRIBLE! Two were kicked out from a private school. It breaks my heart that these parents are creating these monsters that are eventually going to be citizens in our society. It's very scary! Between all of that, our principal resigned from out school (I wasn't the only one having a hard time with the outrageous number of very bad behaved children) My school is the second largest title school in Mesquite which makes it very difficult to do what I am trained to do "teach" So we are getting a new principal. I'm hoping this will help. She's a new fresh face and from her reputation, she does not put up with misbehavior from students or parents (yes, that's a big problem too. The parents act like children). I have two teammates that quit and are staying home with their kids. One teammate that is moving up to third grade. So that leaves me and one other first grade teacher. Our principal has already hired 3 others to replace them. I am very anxious, nervous to find out who they are but am hopeful that we'll be able to work together as a team. I'm going to try to enjoy my summer and pray really hard that I'll have a better school year next year! My kids are growing too fast. Colt is such a little young man. He loves his sister so much. It's so cute to watch them play together. She adores him. He knows that she has her 'special' drink and helps me make sure she doesn't drink anything else. If we're at church or someone else house and he sees her pick up someone's drink he'll say "No sister, that will make you very sick" HAHA. We've also spent a lot of time and some friends house that has a pool. He will walk in front of her to get in between her and the pool because he's scared she'll fall in. They have their moments of being mad at each other but for the most part, they are inseperable and love being together. Landry's therapist has started coming to our house. Her last swallow study showed little improvement so we continued with the vital stem therapy. The Dr. ordered 16 more sessions and we'll re-access again after that to see what's next. Of course I'm hoping that she'll be all 'fixed' but the Dr. did warn us that it could take a year or two to completely fix the problem. She does great with her therapist and we're getting used to having a stranger in our house 3 times a week. Her 16 sessions will be done at the end of June so we'll do another swallow study to determine if she's improved enough. Until then, we'll continue with therapy and thickening her drinks. She's trying to potty train herself. She started before I even thought about trying. She pulls her pants and diaper off and says "poweee" (potty) I would say about 50 % of the time, she actually goes. So hopefully by the end of the summer, she'll be diaper free! That would be amazing!! Jared is as busy as ever. His boss is thinking of opening another shop. It's all still up in the air. We're not sure what that would mean for Jared but we're hoping it would mean less delivering and more staying at the shop managing things. Right now it's just a waiting game. These are a few pictures from the past few weeks. This is a picture Landry's therapist sent me while she was still going to her daycare. Jared and Brandon went fishing a few weeks ago. Jared was proud of his catch We got out the sprinkler. Colt loved it Landry didn't want to have anything to do with it Loving on their uncle Jakie when he came to visit Asleep with daddy Mommy and daddy date at the Rangers game Eating out to celebrate mommy's last day of school! Fun at the park After the park! My sweet baby girl Forney's Splash Pad. Landry wasn't a big fan Landry and mama Watching the rain on daddy's four wheeler Landry would rather eat than swim! Mama got a really good deal on a minnie mouse costume for Halloween. Never can be too prepared. Landry hanging with daddy before church Colt loving to swim

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