Tuesday, September 15, 2009

1st Birthday Party

Okay so I've have to stop posting pictures. There are a ton more but I'll stop. We had such a good time. We celebrated Colt's first birthday on Saturday. He loved having all his cousins (minus 1) and a friend from church there to play with. He wasn't very interested in his cupcake but we did get some good pictures. We had over 30 people in our house! It was crowded but fun. Colt stuck with me opening his presents for about the first 3 or 4 and then he was off to do other things. He got some really neat toys, books and some cute clothes. He was worn out by the time everyone left. My baby boy is growing up so fast. I've decided to write out a list of all the things he can do now that he's 1

*climb up on the couch
*wave goodbye
*kiss his mama and daddy (and anyone else that wants a kiss)...... (sorry Brandon he only kisses on the lips)
*says daddy and mama but he only says mama when he's whining!
*claps his hands
*knows the word "no" ( I have a feeling he'll be told this at least 50 times a day until he's 18)
*not only walk but run
*somewhat feed himself with a spoon
*gets down off the bed or chair by himself
*sleeps all night most nights (yay for us)
*drinks from a sippy cup instead of a bottle (most of the time)

I'm sure there's many more but these are the things that I can think of. He has such a personality. I'm afraid he's inherited his daddy's stubborness (okay maybe a little bit is from me too). He is very tender hearted. He cries when we spank his hand or tell him no. Sometimes, jared will just give him "the look" and he'll start crying. He has also given me attitude when I discipline him. Something I didn't think would happen for a while! Well, I'm gonna end by saying being a parent is the best thing in the world! Maybe next year one thing on my list will be "he's potty trained"!!! I'm thinking positive


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Wow! Time sure does fly huh? I pray you have enjoyed your 1st year with you little guy. He is a cutie that is for sure! Congrats!