Wednesday, April 8, 2009

7 months old!

Colt after I fed him squash. This is the first time I actually put him in his highchair.
Wow, how time flies. It's so weird... I look at clothes Colt has in his closet and I think "there's no way he'll fit that. it's way too big. But then I put it on him and it's almost too small! Just last month i bought him some cute one piece shorts outfits. They're so cute. I bought 9 months thinking he would for sure be able to wear them in Spring and maybe early summer. Well, today i put it on him for the second time and it's too small. Ugh,,, I'm not buying anymore clothes under 12 months. He's just growing too fast. Well, i really don't have many updates. He's doing the army crawl and still pulling himself up pretty good. We just got over a really bad diaper rash. We switched to soy formula and I think that helped alot. He hardly spits up at all anymore. It stinks alot worse than regular formula but I think it's better for him. Next weekend we're going out of town. I'm really anxious to see how Colt will do away from his own bed for a weekend. We're going to Lake Texoma. We're meeting Darrell and Michelle and they're 3 year old and 7 month old. It should be a very interesting weekend! I hope to spend lots of time outdoors. Pray for good weather! I hope everyone has a happy Easter. I'm looking forward to our staff egg hunt tomorrow. Our principal is great! PS: I hope you're happy mom!

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