Well, obviously I thought I would have more time than I do now. I thought, I'll be home for 8 weeks and I'll have plenty of time to help more around the house, have dinner ready, maybe get caught up on laundry. Boy, was I mistaken. This little girl of mine doesn't like to be put down. In fact, she has to be touching me at all times. Not her daddy or her uncle Jakie, but me. So I've gotten creative and learned to do lots of things with a baby attached. My poor baby boy though, has really been rudely awakened. His world has turned upside down. He's acted out in different ways here and there but overall he's handled being a brother pretty well. Landry has gotten a little better at being put down. I guess people were right when they told me God gives you the easy on first so you'll have another. Needless to say, I think 2 is all I can handle. 1 boy and 1 girl is perfect enough for me. So here's a few pictures (not in any order) that I've taken the past few months. Enjoy