Monday, April 13, 2009

Lot's of Easter pictures

This has nothing to do with Easter but it was a funny moment. Friday Jared and I decided to let Colt stay with his aunt Jaime and Uncle Joe overnight. We planned this a couple of times but I backed out because I just didn't think I was ready to be away from him all night. So he's 7 months old now and I thought it would be a good time for me and Jared to have a whole night to ourself. We survived and I know Colt had a great time too. He slept alot longer for Aunt Jaime than he ever does for me. So right before we left the house, I decided to give him a bath. AFter his bath, I took him to his room and started to put a diaper on him but realized I had already packed his diaper rash cream. So i left him for about 30 seconds and this is what I came back too.

If you can't tell, those are a package of diapers that he's trying to grab and he had a little accident on the floor before i made it back. This all happened in about 30 seconds. This will be a great picture to show his dates when he's about 16!

Anberlin and Colt at LTC

Easter Sunday
The happy couple

me and Lex

Look at me mom

My handsome Easter outfit

I don't care what's inside the egg yet

uncle Joe and Colt

Telling mom a secret

HAHA I got out of my car seat

I'm not gonna look at the camera

I don't care how ridiculous you sound mom, I'm not looking

Okay, I'll look but I'm not taking my fist out of my mouth

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